
Work with Us to Reduce Hunger

Daily Bowl thrives because of the network of like-minded people and organizations that partner with us in our higher purpose of ending hunger. We are always looking for volunteers who can help us with our operations. We connect with donors who can provide us with food rather than letting it go to waste, and we seek strong agency partnerships to feed the hungry. Our role is to get nutritious food from point A to point B.

Food Donations

Because of FDA regulations, we only accept fresh food and meals that have been prepared in a professional kitchen. Fruit and produce that are edible and nutritious are very welcome, such as from a farmers’ market or grocery store. We also accept meals and food prepared in institutional kitchens, such as hospitals and schools. Scroll down for the contact form.

Affiliate an Agency or Food Bank

After we glean excess food that would otherwise go to waste, we deliver it immediately to agencies that use it to feed the hungry. Food must be used before spoilage occurs. We work with some amazing nonprofits and places of worship in the East Bay who receive our food and get it straight to those who need it. Scroll down let us know if you’d like to work with us.


Would you like to help us reduce hunger in our communities? Volunteers who can drive to a kitchen or market to pick up food and then deliver it to an agency partner are especially needed. We try to keep those shifts to two hours.  But you can help in other ways, too, like making phone calls, clerical work, grant writing, or many other tasks that keep Daily Bowl afloat. Let us know how you’d like to help!

Contact Us

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